          Greenies潔牙骨可能導致食道或腸道阻塞!!!! Owners: Dog treats killed our pets By Greg Hunter and Pia Malbran Wednesday, February 15, 2006; Posted: 10: 47 a .m. EST (15:47 GMT) KANSAS CITY, Missouri (CNN) -- At least 13 dogs have died after being fed the top-selling pet treat in the country, owners and veterinarians have told CNN.堪薩斯城, 密蘇里州(CNN) - CNN接獲來自飼主及獸醫的消息指出,至少有13隻狗狗在被餵食了國內最暢銷的寵物零嘴後不幸死亡。 The problem comes because the treats, called Greenies, become lodged in a dog's esophagus or intestine and then some veterinarians say they don't break down.問題出在一種叫做Greenies的零嘴,它會阻塞狗狗的食道或腸道,而部份獸醫指出它們根本無法分解。 "I know they are marketed in saying that they do digest. Certainly the ones that we've taken out, esophageal or intestinal, tha 信用貸款t have been in for days are still very hard," Brendan McKiernan, a board-certified veterinary internal medicine specialist from Denver , Colorado , told CNN. (Watch a vet retrieve a two-day old, undigested Greenie from a dog -- 7:40)「我知道它們在市場上宣稱它們的確是可消化的,但無疑的,我們自食道或腸道裡取出已停留多天的Greenies仍然非常的硬。」Brendan McKiernan, 科羅拉多州丹佛一位擁有獸醫內科證照的獸醫師如此告訴CNN。(觀看獸醫從狗狗體內取出一隻兩天後仍無法消化的Greenies – 7分40秒) Greenies recommends owners check that the treats are chewed and Joe Roetheli - who launched the brand as a treat that can freshen a dog's breath and clean its teeth - said it was important to pick the correct chew for a particular dog. There are 7 different sizes to choose from depending on the size of the dog.Greenies建 室內設計議飼主確認零嘴是否確實被嚼碎,而推動Greenies以能使狗狗口氣清新並有潔牙效果聞名的Joe Roetheli表示,為個別的狗狗選擇正確尺吋的嚼骨是很重要的,目前共有七種不同尺吋可供不同大小的狗狗選擇。 But most of the dog owners CNN talked to say they did follow package instructions and they still had a problem.但大部份CNN所訪談的飼主都說,他們的確有按照包裝上的使用說明,然而還是有問題發生。 Mike Eastwood and his wife, Jenny Reiff, recently filed a $5 million lawsuit in New York, blaming Greenies for the intestinal blockage that caused the death of their dog Burt.Mike Eastwood和他的妻子Jenny Reiff最近在紐約對Greenies提出了五百萬美金訴訟案,他們控告Greenies造成的腸道阻塞導致了他們的愛犬Burt死亡。 "I'm mad that their packaging states that the product is 100 percent edible, highly digestible and veterinarian ap 澎湖民宿proved, yet our dog died of it," Eastwood told CNN.「我很生氣的是他們在包裝上宣稱產品是百分百可食用、高度易消化、以及經過獸醫檢驗認證的,然而我們的狗狗卻因它而死。」Eastwood這樣告訴CNN。 S&M NuTec, which manufactures the toothbrush-shaped chew, won't comment on the case but in court papers denied the allegations.製造牙刷形狀嚼骨的S&M NuTec公司不願對此案件發表評論,但在呈堂文件裡則否認這些沒有證據的陳述。 Roetheli said the focus should be on the dental benefits and Greenies are saving dogs' lives by lowering the risk of periodontal disease.Roetheli說Greenies重點在於對牙齒的益處,其降低了牙周病的危險,也就是在拯救狗狗的生命。 He says feeding Greenies is far safer than putting a dog under anesthesia to clean teeth.他說餵食Greenies遠比將狗狗打上麻醉針進行清牙來的安全的多。 "Dogs really love the produ 酒店工作ct!" he said. "They do a very effective job of cleaning teeth and freshening breath."「狗狗真的愛吃這個!」他說,「而且對於牙齒清潔以及保持口氣清新,它們的確很有效。」 Any suggestion that Greenies are defective was rejected by Roetheli, who developed Greenies with his wife, Judy.任何關於Greenies有缺失的指控都被Roetheli,這位與妻子Judy共同開發Greenies的人所駁斥。 "Our product is safe. It is used every day by thousands of dogs, millions a week and it is basically a very safe product."「我們的產品是安全的。每天都有無數的狗狗食用它,一個星期甚至可達數百萬,基本上它是一個非常安全的產品。」 A CNN investigation uncovered 40 cases since 2003 where a veterinarian had to extract a Greenie from a dog after the treat became lodged either in the animal's esophagus or intestine. In 13 of those cases, the pet died.一項CNN所做的調查發現,從2 酒店打工003年起,有40個案例是獸醫師從狗狗身體裡取出被卡在食道或腸道裡的Greenies。而在這些案件裡共有13件導致寵物的不幸死亡。 One of those was Tyson, Josh Glass and Leah Falls ' 8-month-old boxer, who was taken to Brent-Air Animal Hospital in Los Angeles , California , where vet Dr. Kevin Schlanger found the animal had a blocked intestine.另一個案例是Josh Glass和Leah Falls所擁有的八個月大拳師犬Tyson。Tyson被帶到加州洛杉磯Brent-Air動物醫院,由獸醫師Kevin Schlanger博士診斷出腸道有阻塞現象。 "It was very clear that it was something dense and firm that had caused the obstruction," Schlanger said. He removed a Greenie from the intestine.「顯而易見的,阻塞是由某些大量密集而又堅固的東西所造成的。」Schlanger說道。他從腸道裡取出了一隻Greenies。 McKiernan's says his Denver clinic has seen at least seven cases in the past five years, which he says is a 房屋貸款n unusually high number. That prompted him to start researching and writing a paper to warn other veterinarians of the problem.McKiernan位於丹佛的診所裡,在過去五年內至少發生了七件相關案例,而這數字可說是不尋常的高。這促使他開始進行研究並撰寫報告來提醒其他獸醫注意這個問題。 He says his research, which he hopes to get published in a veterinary journal, shows compressed vegetable chew treats, of which Greenies is the most popular, are now the third biggest cause of esophageal obstruction in dogs behind bones and fish hooks.他說這份他希望能在獸醫期刊中發表的研究報告中顯示,經壓縮處理過的蔬菜嚼骨零嘴(Greenies是其中最受歡迎的)目前是繼骨頭及魚刺後第三大造成狗狗食道阻塞的原因。 The federal Food and Drug Administration says it's looking into eight consumer complaints about Greenies but has no formal investigation.美國食品藥物管理局表示正在深入了解八個針對Greenies、但未有正式?澎湖民宿晙d的消費者抱怨。 The issue has also been the topic of news reports across the country.這項議題也已經成為全國各地的頭條新聞。 The chews are made of digestible products like wheat gluten and fiber, experts say, but the molding process makes the treat very firm and hard.專家表示,這些嚼骨雖然是由容易消化的材料如麥麩、纖維所製成,但其製作過程卻會使其變的結實且堅硬。 Roetheli, who runs S&M NuTec from Kansas City, Missouri, says Greenies do break down when properly chewed and swallowed by a dog.在密蘇里州堪薩斯城經營S&M NuTec公司的Roetheli表示,經過狗狗正確徹底的咀嚼與吞嚥,Greenies的確是能夠分解的。 He told CNN that any product has the potential to cause an obstruction in a dog and that Greenies packaging warns dog owners to monitor their dog to ensure the treat is adequately chewed. "Gulping any item can be harmful or even fatal to a dog," the package says.他告訴CNN, 景觀設計任何東西都有著在狗狗身體裡造成阻塞的潛在危機,而Greenies的包裝上也提醒飼主要監視牠們的狗狗、確保嚼骨有被充份的咀嚼過。「任何東西如果狼吞虎嚥的下肚將會對狗狗造成傷害,甚至有致命的危險。」包裝上如此寫道。 The company's Web site addresses the issue in its FAQ section with the question "When giving an animal Greenies, does it affect their digestive system?" The answer "The only time dogs would be unable to digest anything would be if they didn't chew it up before they swallowed it. Canine and Feline Greenies are highly digestible when chewed."該公司網站上的問答欄裡針對關於「給予動物Greenies是否會對牠們的消化系統造成影響?」的問題做了回答:「只有在狗狗吞食前沒有充份嚼碎的情況下才有可能造成無法消化。而嚼碎的犬貓專用Greenies是高度易消化的。」 The company says the number of complaints it has received is very low in relation to the vast numbers of treats sold, and CNN spoke with several vets who recomm 濾桶ended Greenies.該公司表示目前收到的抱怨數量與賣出的龐大數量相比是非常低的,且CNN也訪談過許多推薦Greenies的獸醫。 Introduced in 1998, we found Greenies now selling for about $ 16 a pound. Last year, 325 million individual treats were sold around the world, nearly three times the sales of its nearest competitor Milk Bone, according to the marketing company Euromonitor International.在1998年開始販售的Greenies目前售價為一英磅16塊美金。根據國際Euromonitor行銷公司所做的調查,去年全世界共售出三億兩千五百萬支嚼骨,幾乎是其最主要競爭對手Milk Bone賣量的三倍。 "At the end of the day ... literally millions of Greenies are enjoyed by dogs on a weekly basis with absolutely no incidents," company vet Brad Quest told CNN.「總而言之,確實有無數的Greenies毫無意外的被狗狗們享用著。」該公司獸醫Brad Quest如此告訴CNN。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 小額信貸  .
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